Source: Linkedin News
By: Aldo Leporati
Cargill leads the sales ranking, which among the 6 sold abroad 46.6 million tons, of the 80 million tons of grains and their industrial derivatives (flours, pellets, oils, biodiesel and other by-products) from the ports of Argentina in 2017. According to data from the Ministry of Agribusiness, Cargill dispatched 11.5 million tons of grains and derivatives (14% of the total); Cofco, 11 million (13%); Bunge, 8.7 million (11%); Dreyfus 7.9 million (10%); Aceitera General Dehesa (AGD), 7.3 million (9%); and Vicentín by 6.9 million tons (9%). 95% of the offices were in the hands of 15 companies and the 6 companies cited, Oleaginosa Moreno, Association of Argentine Cooperatives (ACA), Agro Mills, Federated Argentinian Farmers (AFA), Molino Cañuelas, CHS Argentina, Amaggi and Gear .
The cereal sector contributes 4.3 of every 10 dollars. It exported us$ 25,300 million in 2017 out of a total of us$ 58,428 million for the entire economy, according to INDEC. The main destinations were China and Brazil, with 25% of grain purchases, while Vietnam was one of the main buyers of soybean meal, the star product of the Argentine trade balance with us$ 9,000 million. In terms of destinations, China was the main buyer of grains, with 6.4 million tons (13%); followed by Brazil, with 6 million (13%); Vietnam, 5.1 million (10%); Algeria, 4.8 million (10%); and Egypt, 3.5 million (7%). The 5 countries bought 54% of Argentine grains, 26 million out of a total of 47.8 million tons.