Source: Hotels Magazine
Despite the weakening economy, one in four affluent leisure travelers plans to take more trips during the next 12 months than they took during the previous 12 months. Nearly three out of five (58 percent) are likely take the same number of trips, and one in three (35 percent) expects to spend more on leisure travel. These revelations come from the new Ypartnership Portrait of Affluent Travelers(SM), a national survey of 800 U.S. adults conducted in August 2008. Authored by Ypartnership of Orlando, Fla., the study provides a comprehensive look at the emerging lifestyles and travel habits of the top 8% of American households defined by their annual household income (minimum of $150,000) and net worth.
"This highly desirable demographic group differs markedly from the general population of travelers and the implications for both marketing and advertising strategy are profound," said Peter C. Yesawich, chairman and CEO of Ypartnership, one of the nation's leading marketing agencies specializing in serving travel, leisure and entertainment clients.
The topics examined in the Ypartnership Portrait of Affluent Travelers(SM) provide powerful insights into the attitudes and behaviors of affluent travelers, including emerging travel trends, social values, destination preferences, travel planning and booking habits, and future intentions with respect to both leisure and business travel. The survey results derive from in-depth, 40-minute interviews with a nationally representative survey of pre-qualified consumers who were screened by specific demographic and behavioral characteristics:
-- minimum annual household income of $150,000;
-- taken one or more overnight trips of at least 75 miles from home for business or leisure purposes during the previous 12 months; and
-- stayed in a luxury hotel at least once during the previous 12 months.
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